Isaac Scientific Publishing

Geosciences Research

Palynomorphs of the First Down-Hole Shale Occurrence in Three Contiguous Basins in Nigeria: Implication on the K-Pg Boundary

Download PDF (1721.8 KB) PP. 151 - 160 Pub. Date: August 18, 2017

DOI: 10.22606/gr.2017.23001


  • Peter S. Ola*
    Department of Applied Geology, Federal University of Technology, P.M.B. 704 Akure, Nigeria
  • Blessing Adeoti*

    Department of Applied Geology, Federal University of Technology, P.M.B. 704 Akure, Nigeria


Attempt was made to retrieve palynomorph and calcareous nannofossil from samples retrieved from first down-hole shale occurrence in three contiguous basins (Anambra, Bida and Benin Basins) in Nigeria with a view to determining their ages, paleoecology and the K-Pg boundary. A total of one hundred and sixteen species were recovered from all the samples. The occurrence of Echitriporites trianguliformis in the Anambra basin suggests ages of Campanian to Maastrichtian, while the common occurrence of Retitricolporites sp which is Paleocene to Eocene in samples from Anambra and Bida Basins confirms age relation. This modern palm (Retitricolporites sp) and fungal spores as well as the absence of algae spores and nannofossil suggest swamp environment of deposition and a hot tropical to subtropical climate. Its absence in the Benin basin suggests a little deviation in the age of deposition. An observed spike in the occurrence of Cyathidites sp and Laevigatosporites sp in the Okeluse samples suggest K-Pg boundary.


K-Pg boundary, Nigeria, palynormorphys, Cyathidites sp, Laevigatosporites sp.


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