Isaac Scientific Publishing

Frontiers in Signal Processing

CIFAR-10 Image Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Network

Download PDF (307.9 KB) PP. 100 - 106 Pub. Date: October 1, 2020

DOI: 10.22606/fsp.2020.44004


  • Xiyun Lv*
    College of Electrical & Information Engineering, Southwest Minzu University, Chengdu 610041, China


Aiming at the problems of gradient diffusion and network redundancy caused by the degradation of network performance during the training of most convolutional neural image classification models, the ResNet neural network model was improved, and the data expansion technology was used to expand the data and use SGD to fine-tune the depth Convolutional network to avoid gradient dissipation. In the CIFAR-10 test set, experiments show that the test accuracy of CIFAR-10 in the model data set reaches 90.85%. Compared with other models, it improves the accuracy of image classification. And by manually observing and comparing the classification effects of the 10 types of objects of the model, the model can distinguish each object more accurately.


image classification, ResNet, data augmentation, CIFAR-10


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