Isaac Scientific Publishing

Journal of Advanced Statistics

Say It with an App

Download PDF (429.5 KB) PP. 53 - 62 Pub. Date: June 13, 2016

DOI: 10.22606/jas.2016.12001


  • Cleto Corposanto*
    Department of Legal, Historical, Economic and Social Science, Catanzaro , Italy
  • Beba Molinari
    Department of Educational Science, Genova, Italy


This paper aims to explore the new opportunities offered by the web 2.0, with particular emphasis on the level of intrusiveness concerning web surveys and their different methods of administration. Particular attention will be drawn to the Apps and the way they intervene in the research design to give the researchers the opportunity to learn about the preferences and the consultations which are mostly relevant to the users, thanks to the analysis carried out by data mining and web survey.


App, web survey, big data, web research, new media, data mining.


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