Isaac Scientific Publishing

Journal of Advances in Education Research

Augmented Reality as Cyber-Innovation in STEM Education

Download PDF (6373.1 KB) PP. 40 - 51 Pub. Date: May 6, 2019

DOI: 10.22606/jaer.2019.42002


  • Tahar Messadi*
    School of Architecture, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, United States
  • Winifred E. Newman
    Clemson University, School of Architecture, Clemson, United States
  • David Fredrick
    School of Architecture, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, United States
  • Chloe Costello
    School of Architecture, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, United States
  • Keenan Cole
    School of Architecture, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, United States


This paper presents the second phase of an NSF-sponsored research project in classroom
innovation using augmented reality (AR) to enhance STEM education developed at the University of
Arkansas. The discussion centers on the design and development of AR technology and its
application for use by engineering and architecture students in understanding complex data in
sustainability. Exposing students to advances in digital modeling, data visualization and performative
software prepares them for new pathways of decision-making in the AEC professions. Recent research
shows technology mediated learning environments (interacting with computer-based tools) enhance
learning. Augmented reality (AR) or the ability to augment the real-world environment with
computer-generated information brings a new dimension to learning and design using multiple data
streams. Our research addresses first, the opportunities and obstacles presented by AR design
development and application in the classroom, and second, the effectiveness of AR in achieving a
better understanding of sustainability as a course topic. We also assessed the role of AR in improving
learning outcomes specific to sustainability in the built environment though interdisciplinary
collaboration between students from architecture and civil and mechanical engineering.


Cyberlearning, STEM, virtual reality, sustainability


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