Isaac Scientific Publishing

Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics

Comparing Total Hip Replacement Drug Treatments Based on Cost and Length of Stay

Download PDF (570.9 KB) PP. 73 - 89 Pub. Date: January 1, 2016

DOI: 10.22606/jaam.2016.11007


  • Blake James Huebner
    Department of Statistics, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, United States
  • Rhonda C Magel*
    Department of Statistics, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, United States


Drugs within three categories used in hip replacement surgery are compared based on their association with total hospital costs and length of stay. The drugs are also compared based on their associations with proportions of early readmissions. Multiple regression, logistic regression, chi- square tests, and multiple comparison techniques are used. The combination of warfarin and enoxaparin is associated with the highest cost and length of stay of the anticoagulants studied. There is no clear regional anesthesia drug used associated with the highest hospital cost and longest length of stay. Tranexamic acid is found to be associated with a smaller proportion of blood transfusions, a shorter length of stay, with no significant difference in cost found and no significant difference found in the proportion of early readmissions.


Anticoagulants, regional anesthesia drugs, antibribrinolytics, hospital cost, length of stay, proportions of early readmission, proportions of blood transfusions.


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